A Global Multi-Disciplinary Evening Discussion | グローバル多分野協働イブニング カンファレンス
5:30pm Registration (開場)
6:00pm Presentations and Discussion (多分野の専門家によるプレゼンテーションとディスカッション)
7:20pm Launch (紹介) of the Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health Edition 3
7:30pm Drinks and Networking (飲み物とネットワーキング)
(and short tours of this LEED Platinum building for those interested, 希望者向け:会場の建築ツアー)
5:30pm Registration (開場)
6:00pm Presentations and Discussion (多分野の専門家によるプレゼンテーションとディスカッション)
7:20pm Launch (紹介) of the Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health Edition 3
7:30pm Drinks and Networking (飲み物とネットワーキング)
(and short tours of this LEED Platinum building for those interested, 希望者向け:会場の建築ツアー)
By 2050 two thirds of the global population will live in cities. Urban health and wellbeing is increasingly becoming part of the remit of urban planners, architects, transport professionals, policymakers, and other citymakers. One area that is developing globally is the important link between urban design and community health and wellbeing. Cities can make us feel happy, sad, stressed, anxious, well and ill. Urban planners, designers are only starting to understand their huge potential value and impact in community mental health and wellbeing.
So how can we build better community health and wellbeing into our cities? Join the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health and the Health and Global Policy Institute for an evening of multi-disciplinary presentations:
では、どのようにコミュニティーヘルスの概念を都市デザインと融合していくべきか。英国のCentre for Urban Design and Mental Health(UD/MH: アーバンデザイン・アンド・メンタルヘルス・センター)と、日本医療政策機構は、イブニングカンファレンスを開催し、「コミュニティーヘルスや都市計画に関する最新の世界的潮流やイノベーション」「東京におけるコミュニティーヘルスのための最新デザインや事例の紹介」などをテーマとし、多分野から専門家が結集し、分野横断的に議論を深め、ネットワーキングを持ちます(希望者を対象に、会場となる日本コカ・コーラ株式会社本社建築ツアーも用意があります)。 |
Who should attend this event
This event is suitable for architects, planners, policymakers, transport professionals, students, researchers, mental health professionals, public health professionals, and anybody interested in how to improve cities for the people who live there. The talks will be simultaneously translated in English and Japanese.
桜井 なおみ 氏
Naomi Sakurai was born in Tokyo. She is President of Cancer Solutions Co., Ltd and a Patient Representative at the National Cancer Control Promotion Council. After receiving a Bachelor‘s Degree in city planning, she joined a consulting company where she led projects on urban development and environmental learning. In 2004, Ms. Sakurai was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a cancer survivor, she now organizes projects that support children with cancer and their families. She is Director of two non-profit organizations, HOPE project (from 2005) and CSR Project (from 2008). She is also a licensed social worker, professional engineer, and industrial counselor, and she contributed to the National Cancer Control Promotion Council for putting emphasis on the importance of urban planning for health and wellbeing.
キャンサー・ソリューションズ株式会社 代表取締役社長。がん対策推進協議会 患者委員。東京生まれ。大学で都市計画を学んだ後、卒業後はコンサルティング会社にて、都市整備や環境学習、各種博覧会の企画などの業務に従事。2004年、30代で乳がん罹患後は、働き盛りで罹患した自らのがん経験や社会経験を活かし、小児がんを含めた患者・家族の支援活動を開始、現在に至る。NPO法人HOPEプロジェクト理事長、一般社団法人CSRプロジェクト代表理事なども務める。社会福祉士、技術士(建設部門・都市および地方計画)、産業カウンセラー。国のがん対策推進計画の推進などでは、都市計画の重要性も指摘してきた。
河野 禎之 氏
Yoshiyuki Kawano, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and an Assistant Professor in the Diversity Division of the Center for Diversity and Accessibility, Career Development, University of Tsukuba. He received his Masters degree at Tokyo Gakugei University and his Doctorate in Disability Sciences at the University of Tsukuba. He has been engaging in research around care for both people living with dementia and their carers. His current research fields include: assessment of cognitive impairment, behavioral and psychological symptoms; promoting diversity and social inclusion for people living with dementia; and assessment of dementia-friendly communities in Japan. He is a member of both the Dementia Friendly Japan Initiative (DFJI) and World Young Leaders in Dementia (WYLDs).
臨床心理士。筑波大学ダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ・キャリアセンター ダイバーシティ部門助教。東京学芸大学で修士、筑波大学で博士(障害科学)を取得し、一貫して認知症の人と家族の支援に関する研究に関わる。研究領域は、認知症の認知機能障害及び行動・心理症状のアセスメント、社会における認知症の人と家族のダイバーシティとソーシャル・インクルージョン、日本における認知症フレンドリー・コミュニティの評価等がある。認知症フレンドリージャパン・イニシアチブ(DFJI)及び認知症領域におけるワールドヤングリーダー(WYLD)の一員である。
金 吉晴 氏
Yoshiharu Kim is the president of the National Center of Disaster Mental Health and the Director of the Department of Adult Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Japan, affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. His main fields are: disaster response, and PTSD pathogenesis and dissemination of effective treatment. He is the Chief Editor of the National Guideline for Post-Disaster Community Mental Health, the Clinicians’ Manual for Psychological Trauma, the Journal of Traumatic Stress (Japanese), and many other documents and books. He is also the co-founder of the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and a board member of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
He has published more than a hundred English articles and books, in addition to many Japanese. He graduated from the school of medicine, Kyoto University, in 1984, and studied at the Institute of Psychiatry, London in 1995. He is a Visiting Professor at Tokyo University, Tohoku University and Yamanashi University. In 1995 He was commended by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, for his participation in the medical response team in the Hostage Crisis in the Japanese Embassy in Peru. He has been engaged in many international activities including with WHO, United Nations University, and UNICEF. |
横山 太郎 氏
Dr. Taro Yokoyama graduated from Saitama Medical University, and now works as a medical oncologist and palliative care doctor at Yokohama Municipal Citizens’ Hospital. In addition to delivering home care, he has conducted clinical trials on early palliative care, contributed to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Sciences Research Team’s Palliative Care Manual and has a personal interest in decision-making in medicine. His mission is to create a system where many people, including non-healthcare professionals, can support the patient’s decision-making process in today’s super aging society, taking into account each individual’s personal values. Dr. Yokoyama is also involved the “CO-MINKAN” or privatized community center establishment project for healthy urban development, and supports the development of a simulation of a dementia patient utilizing virtual reality.
腫瘍内科医として治験や臨床試験に携わりながら、実家で訪問診療を行い、医療における「意思決定」に興味を持つ。緩和医として、終末期からではなく診断時から関わる「早期からの緩和ケア」の臨床試験を行い、厚生労働省科学研究班の中でマニュアル作成にも携わる。価値観が多様化する超高齢社会の現代において、「非医療者も含めた様々な人が意思決定支援を行う体制」を作ることをミッションに活動している。がん領域のみならず、認知症領域で、バーチャルリアリティーを活用した、認知症のひとの疑似体験プログラムの開発支援、健康的な街づくりを目指し、私設公民館である「CO-MINKAN」の設立プロジェクトなどを進めている。埼玉医科大学 医学部卒業。横浜市立市民病院 緩和ケア内科勤務。
酒向 正春 氏
After graduating from Ehime University School of Medicine in 1987, Masaharu Sakoh joined the Department of Neurosurgery at Ehime University and began his career as a neurosurgeon specialising in cerebral stroke treatment. In 2004, he switched his career to brain rehabilitation medicine, recognising the importance of optimizing people’s remaining capacity following a stroke. Dr Sakoh was Vice Director of Setagaya Memorial Hospital since 2012, and in March 2017 was appointed as Director of Nerima Ken-ikukai Hospital. He pursues his personal interest in rehabilitation through a medical welfare urban development project which aims to create a city that supports rehabilitation for all generations, including the elderly, the handicapped, and families with children, in today’s super-aging society.
1987年愛媛大学医学部卒業後、同大学脳神経外科学教室へ入局し、脳卒中治療を専門とする脳神経外科医となる。その後病気の治療のみならず、患者の残存能力を引き出し回復させていくことの重要性を感じ、2004年脳リハビリテーション医に転向。2012年より世田谷記念病院副院長および回復期リハビリテーションセンター長を務め、豊富な経験と深い知見から高い成果をあげている。またライフワークとして「健康医療福祉都市構想」を提言、超高齢化社会を見据え、高齢者や障害者、子育て世代を含めた全ての世代に、街でリハビリテーションに取り組める優しい街づくりに尽力している。2017年3月より医療法人社団健育会 ねりま健育会病院院長を務める。
妻鹿 ふみ子 氏
Fumiko Mega is a professor in the Department of Social Work, School of Health Sciences at Tokai University. Professor Mega teaches courses in the norms and principles of social welfare, community social work, and volunteering. Her research interests include how to build (or rebuild) sustainable communities with comfortable and inclusive places for physical and mental health needs. Her hypothesis is alternative intimate spheres should be worked in communities. As a community activist with a focus on volunteering, Professor Mega has been involved in numerous organizations and efforts during the last 20 years, including volunteer centers and infrastructure organizations for nonprofits. She has been in charge of managing Japan Volunteer Coordinators Association as a board member whose mission is to empower volunteer coordinators and to enhance their networking and has published many Japanese books and articles about volunteering, volunteer management, and community social work. She holds a Doctorate of Public Affairs from Chiba University.
入江 茂樹 氏
Shigeki Irie graduated from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo City University, and received his MA in Architecture from Graduate School of Tokyo City University before he joined Jun Mitsui & Associates Inc. Architects and Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects Japan, Inc. in 2005. He is a construction designer with 12 years of operational experience building offices, commercial facilities, apartments, and international convention centers. Mr. Irie works on various projects and design proposals with a mission to develop a sustainable and eco-friendly city where people can enrich their lives with a happy and healthy lifestyle, and keep it safe and comfortable for future generations. From large facilities such as Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal, to symbolistic commercial buildings in the heart of the city such as The Ice Cubes (H&M), he specializes in construction proposals with superb design and functionality. His recent work as Project Director includes the new headquarter building of Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd., “Tri-Seven Roppongi,” and Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto.
東京都市大学建築学科を卒業し、同大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻修士課程を修了後、2005年に光井純&アソシエーツ建築設計事務所株式会社および、ペリ クラーク ペリアーキテクツ ジャパン株式会社へ入社。設計者として12年の経験があり、人々が明るく健康的に過ごすための賑わいを生み出す街づくりをすることを根幹に街で過ごす人々の時間を少しでも豊かにすること、将来の世代に安全で快適な街を残してゆくこと、地球環境にやさしい街と建築を作り上げて、社会の永続性に貢献することを使命として、プロジェクトの設計業務、デザイン提案を行っている。オフィス、商業施設、集合住宅、国際コンペティションなど多岐に渡る実務経験を持つ。「東京国際空港国際線旅客ターミナルビル」のような規模の大きな開発から、「ジ アイス キューブス(H&M)」のように都心部に建つ象徴性の高い商業ビルまで、デザイン性と機能性を融合させた設計提案を行うことを得意としている。現在はプロジェクトディレクターとして活躍しており、近作では、「日本コカ・コーラ新本社ビル」「Tri-Seven Roppngi」や「フォーシーズンズホテル京都・車寄せ」などが挙げられる。
菱田 佳奈 氏
Following her graduation from the Department of Engineering at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Dr. Kana Hishida received her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences at Tokyo Metropolitan University where she continues to focus on the development of supportive environments for elderly. She joined Tokyu Land Corporation in 2010, and has been working on the development of a dementia-friendly care residence, “Grancreer Setagaya-nakamachi.” This project is cooperated with Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) in the UK, and its mission is to create a sustainable city in today’s super-aging society.
東京都立大学工学部を卒業後、首都大学東京大学院 都市環境科学研究科 博士課程を修了。大学時代より高齢者支援施設のサポート環境について研究をする。2010年に東急不動産株式会社に入社。2017年からは、「超高齢社会における持続的な街づくり」をテーマとした、世田谷中町の街づくりプロジェクト「グランクレール世田谷中町」にて、認知症にやさしいデザインを取り入れたケアレジデンス開発を担当。当プロジェクトでは、英国スターリング大学認知症サービス開発センター(DSDC)との協働も実施中である。
Dr Layla McCay is Director of the British think tank, the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health. She has previously worked at the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and the British Government's Department of Health. She was Director of Policy for GAIN, an international nutrition NGO, and Director of the Global Public-Partnership Partnership for Handwashing. For the past year she has been a Visiting Researcher at Tokyo Medical and Dental University. A British psychiatrist and international public health specialist, she is an adjunct Professor of international health at Georgetown University, and teaches global health policy at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health (UD/MH)ディレクター。英国の医師であり、保健政策、国際保健の専門家として、臨床サービスとグローバル・ヘルス・イノベーションに10年以上携わる。英国保健省の国営医療サービス(NHS)メディカル・ディレクターの臨床顧問、医療保険会社Bupaの副メディカル・ディレクター、世界保健機関(WHO)の臨床顧問、世界銀行のヘルスサービスコンサルタントを歴任。さらに、栄養改善のためのグローバルアライアンス(GAIN)における政策アドボカシー・ディレクター、手指衛生のためのグローバル官民パートナーシップ(PPPHW)の代表も務めた。 米国ジョージタウン大学、ロンドン大学衛生熱帯医学大学院、東京医科歯科大学での研究、指導経験を持つ。 現在はシンクタンク”Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health”のディレクターとして活躍している。
乗竹 亮治
Ryoji Noritake is the President of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), a Tokyo-based independent and non-profit health policy think tank established in 2004. He also serves as a pro-bono consultant for Project HOPE, a US-based medical humanitarian aid organization. Through HOPE and HGPI, he has led health system strengthening projects in the Asia-Pacific region and engaged in US Navy’s medical humanitarian projects. His focus is a multi-sectoral approach for health issues such as public-private partnerships and civil-military coordination. He was a Working Group Member for the World Health Organization’s “Expert Consultation on Impact Assessment as a tool for Multisectoral Action on Health” in 2012. He is a graduate of Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management, holds a MSc in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. And is currently a Visiting Scholar at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.
日本医療政策機構 事務局長。日本医療政策機構設立初期に参画。慢性疾患領域における患者アドボカシー団体の国際連携支援プロジェクトや、震災復興支援プロジェクト、NCDアライアンス日本支部の設立などをリード。その後、国際NGOにて、アジア太平洋地域を主として、途上国や被災地での防災型医療施設の建設や、途上国政府と民間企業および国際NGOが共同参画する医療アセスメント事業などを実施。エンジニアリングやデザインをはじめとした異なる専門領域のステークホルダーを結集し、医療健康課題に対処するプロジェクトに各国で従事。また、米海軍と国際NGOらによる医療人道支援プログラムの設計など、軍民連携プログラムにも多く従事。WHO(世界保健機関)"Expert Consultation on Impact Assessment as a tool for Multisectoral Action on Health"ワーキンググループメンバー(2012)。慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業、オランダ・アムステルダム大学医療人類学修士。米国医療支援NGO Project HOPE プロボノ・コンサルタント。政策研究大学院大学客員研究員。
VR Demonstration / ネットワーキングでのVR実演
下河原 忠道 氏
Tadamichi Shimogawara is a Board member of the Association of Elderly Housing with Supportive Services, and Secretary of the Elderly Housing Operators Association. He is also CEO of Silver Wood Co., Ltd., which he founded in 2000 to plan, develop, design, and operate facilities for seniors. Currently, he manages 12 houses for older people, including Ginmokusei, senior housing with supportive services, under the company’s direct management. In 2016, he began a project to develop software for a virtual reality simulation of the experience of having dementia. Mr. Shimogawara received the “Best Residential Aged Care Award” for his Ginmokusei initiative in 2015, and the “Best Smart Care Technology-Service Award” for his simulation software at the Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards in 2017.
株式会社シルバーウッド代表取締役、一般財団法人サービス付き高齢者向け住宅協会理事のほか、高齢者住まい事業者団体連合会 幹事を務める。2000年に、高齢者住宅・施設などの企画、開発、設計や運営を手掛ける株式会社シルバーウッド社を設立する。2011年直轄運営によるサービス付き高齢者向け住宅「銀木犀」開設。現在設計中のものを含め12棟の高齢者住宅の経営を行う。2016年には、VR(バーチャルリアリティー)を通して、認知症のひとが感じる世界を垣間見られる、ソフトウェアを開発すべく、「VRでの認知症体験」プロジェクトを開始。2015年、「銀木犀」の取り組みで、アジア太平洋高齢者ケア・イノベーションアワードで最優秀賞受賞。2017年、「VRでの認知症体験」が、アジア太平洋高齢者ケア・イノベーションアワードで、「BEST SMART CARE TECHNOLOGY-SERVICE部門」最優秀賞を受賞した。
※内容や登壇者等、詳細は現時点でのものであり変更の可能性があります ※同時通訳あり
UD/MH always hosts its events in buildings of particular architectural interest. The Tokyo event will take place at the new headquarters of Coca-Cola Japan in Shibuya and there will be opportunity for a short architectural tour of the building. This building, by JMA Architects, was the first headquarters building in Japan to receive the LEED Platinum rating.
Address: Coca-Cola Japan Company, Inc., Shibuya 4 Chome, Tokyo
Further details on finding the venue: here |
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The Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health (UD/MH) is a UK-based global think tank focused on answering one question: how can we design better mental health into our cities? UD/MH Director Dr Layla McCay has been conducting research in Tokyo for the past year.
The Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health (UD/MH: アーバンデザイン・アンド・メンタルヘルス・センター)は英国に拠点を置くシンクタンクであり、都市部におけるメンタルヘルス政策のデザインについて、研究を進めています。ディレクターであり医師でもあるレイラ・マッケイが、現在、東京における本テーマの研究を進めています。
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) is a Tokyo-based independent and non-profit health policy think tank, established in 2004. Since establishment, HGPI has been working to help citizens shape health policies by generating policy options, and to bring stakeholders together as a non-partisan think-tank. The mission is to improve the civic mind and individuals’ well-being and to foster a sustainable healthy community by shaping ideas and values, reaching out to global needs, and by catalyzing society for impact. We commit to activities that bring together relevant players in different fields, in order to provide innovative and practical solutions, and to help interested citizens understand choices and benefits in a global, broader, and long-term perspective.
日本医療政策機構(HGPI: Health and Global Policy Institute)は、2004年に設立された非営利、独立、超党派の民間の医療政策シンクタンクです。市民主体の医療政策を実現すべく、中立的なシンクタンクとして、幅広いステークホルダーを結集し、社会に政策の選択肢を提供してまいります。特定の政党、団体の立場にとらわれず、独立性を堅持し、フェアで健やかな社会を実現するために、将来を見据えた幅広い観点から、新しいアイデアや価値観を提供し、グローバルな視点で社会にインパクトを与え、変革を促す原動力となることを目指しています。